Dear Mrs. Shwe, dear Mr. Mueller,

finally we arrived back home from our Asia trip this week.

As promised, we would like to give you a feedback from our impressions on our Myanmar trip. We would like to point out, that everything was perfectly organized and we were very pleased with our driver, too. He is very experienced and knows very well about the needs and wishes of a traveler.

Generally we were surprised about the high quality of all the accommodations in Myanmar, they exceeded our expectations by far. The most surprising ones were the Hpa-an Lodge and the Mrauk Oo Princess Resort, as one would not expect such high quality hotels in these regions. But also the beach resorts, the Aureum Palace in Bagan and the Vila Inle Resort & Spa were outstanding.

We have learned, that the Myanmar people are very amicable and friendly, especially in regions, which still have not been visited by tourists so frequently. These are also the regions which we liked most. The Delta Region and Pathein, Mrauk Oo, the southern part of Lake Inle, and the Kayin State. We also appreciated very much our special boat trips in Mandalay and Mawlamyine and the train-ride in Pyin Oo Lwin. A special highlight was of course the flight with the balloon over Bagan. The beaches are very nice, too. We liked the Ngwe Saung beach most.

In conclusion we can say, that Myanmar is a very special country, which is really worth to be visited. We have been glad that we decided to do the whole trip by car, as this is the best way to see the country as it is. The tourist hotspots have already started to change.

Finally we would have two requests: If you have a file with the pictures, which the driver made during our trip, it would be nice to get a copy; and do you happen to know how many kilometers we rode? We forgot to ask the driver at the airport.

Once again many thanks for the perfect organization of the trip. We will definitely recommend you to all who wish to see Myanmar in a different way and away from the beaten track. Best regards also to our driver.

Yours sincerely

Jakob and Sonja Heigl
(Myanmar from 01.01.16 – 01.02.16)

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